Employers Associations
The principal organisation is the Faroese Employers Association (FEA) which owns and manages the House of Industry.

The principal organisation is the Faroese Employers Association (FEA) which owns and manages the House of Industry. The FEA is the main representative body for Faroese employers with a current membership of over 550 companies ranging from small family-owned businesses to multinational companies.
In addition to the principal organisation, which has cross sectoral responsibility for members’ interests, members also belong to one of the sectoral federations. The sectoral associations protect branch-related interests, representing almost all sections of the Faroese industry. The House of Industry is therefore a place where these associations join forces and share knowledge.
FEA policies, priorities and decisions on policy issues are decided by a central board of elected representatives, chaired by the FEA President. A director general is responsible for day-to-day operations.
To learn more about the FEA and other employers associations, who we are and what we do, just click on the links below: