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Shipowners of the Faroe Islands

Key Responsibilities:

The primary objective of the Shipowners of the Faroe Islands is to unify companies within the maritime sector. The main activities of the association include:

Wage Agreements
Negotiating wage agreements with relevant labour unions). These agreements are binding for all association members.
Link to all wage agreements and translation certificates.

Advocacy and Engagement
Engaging with politicians and regulatory authorities to ensure that laws and regulations align with the best interests of the industry.

Representing the industry's interests before various governmental and regulatory bodies.

Education and Training
Organizing seminars and courses as necessary to enhance qualifications and competencies within the industry.

Contact Information
For any inquiries, please reach out to the Shipowners of the Faroe Islands at the House of Industry, where you will be provided with the necessary information.

Shipowners of the Faroe Islands
Óðinshædd 7
P.O. Box 1038
FO-100 Tórshavn
Faroe Island
Contact person: Jórun Gardar

Phone: + 298 309900