Sersáttmálar á enskum


Busssáttmálin (EN)

Agreement between The Employers’ Association of the Faroe Islands and The Workers' Association of the Faroe Islands, The Workers' Association of Tórshavn, The Women's Workers' Association of Tórshavn, The Women's Workers' Association of Klaksvík, and The Workers' Association of Klaksvík

  • Art. 1

This agreement applies to public transportation by bus in the Faroe Islands.

Those who are employed according to this agreement are entitled to a letter of appointment in accordance with the Parliamentary Act regarding letters of appointment.

  • Art. 2 Working Hours

The average working hours is 40 hours per week. The daily working hours are to be scheduled between 06:00 in the morning and 01:00 at night.

For driving on Christmas Eve after 13:00, bus drivers receive double pay. After 16:00 on Christmas Eve is considered a holiday.

For the village routes, the following applies:
Daily working hours shall not be interrupted by less than two hours per day. Driver breaks can only be taken once per day and only in the town/village from which the bus operates.

For city routes, the following applies:
Shifts shall be scheduled in a fixed rotation. The weekly difference should be at most +/- 10 hours.

Shifts must be arranged so that a driver works one shift per day, although a driver may work two shifts one day a week, with a maximum of 2 hours between the two shifts. At least two consecutive days-off in a 14-day period must be during the weekend.

  • Art. 3

The bus drivers undertake to operate the bus routes at the times and in the manner required by the routes.

  • Art. 4

A bus driver cannot appoint another person in their stead, but it is allowed to exchange shifts with each other in agreement with the bus owner.

  • Art. 5 Parental Leave and Sickness

Sa. 1. An employee employed under this agreement is entitled to parental leave in accordance with the Parliamentary Act in force.

Sa. 2. If a bus driver is unable to work due to illness (childbirth), their service is considered a lawful absence.

In case of illness lasting longer than 3 days, the bus driver must present a medical certificate by the third day of illness if the bus owner requires it.

Failure to meet this obligation gives the bus owner the right to terminate the service without notice.

  • Art. 6 Sickness benefits

If a bus driver is unable to work due to illness, which entitles them to sickness benefits under the Parliamentary Act on sickness benefits, the bus owner shall pay the difference between what the bus driver receives in sickness benefits and what they would have earned in wages. This payment from the bus owner lasts for one month only.

  • Art. 7 Pay

Bus drivers are paid monthly. Wages are calculated based on a 40-hour workweek or 173.33 hours per month.

The hourly wage[1] is the base rate in art. §2 of the main agreement with the higher crane vehicle supplement x 1.24.

The salary[2] is the hourly wage x 173.33.

If a bus driver is required to wash the bus, refuel, and perform maintenance work, necessary time must be allocated for this work.

The pay is transferred no later than the 25th of each month, and a statement must accompany it, showing what the pay is for.

Bus drivers are not entitled to overtime pay as this is included in the wages. If more than 40 hours are worked, the bus driver is entitled to the hourly wage mentioned in the second paragraph.

For driving between 01:00 and 06:00, overtime pay is paid according to the main agreement, except for village routes and city routes.

Provided the bus owner receives payment from the village or city routes, the bus driver is entitled to their regular pay even if bus operations are temporarily cancelled due to weather or other reasons beyond the bus driver's control.


Bus drivers receive seniority in accordance with art. §24 of the main agreement. When a bus driver is entitled to seniority, this is included in the hourly wage in §7, second paragraph.

Holiday Pay

Bus drivers receive holiday pay according to the Parliamentary Act on holidays with pay.


An employment agreement between a bus owner and an hourly-paid bus driver may be terminated with one month's notice to the first of a month, whereas an employment agreement between a bus owner and a salaried bus driver may be terminated according to the periods of notice in the salaried agreement. However, this does not apply when the agreement states that the work is either merely temporary or is on a trial basis, and when these working conditions do not exceed 3 months. The termination shall be in writing.

  • Art. 8

A bus owner may terminate the employment without notice, if a bus driver does not fulfil the requirements, which are customary in this field of work. A particular emphasis is placed on the collection of fares.

  • Art. 9 Union Representative Scheme

Regarding the union representative scheme, please refer to the main agreement between the Workers' Association of the Faroe Islands / The Workers' Association of Tórshavn / The Women's Workers' Association of Tórshavn / The Workers' Association of Klaksvík / The Women's Workers' Association of Klaksvík and the Employers’ Association of the Faroe Islands. However, employees may elect a union representative even if only 3 employees are employed by the employer.

  • Art. 10 Membership, Superannuation, etc.

Regarding superannuation, life insurance, membership fees, and bereavement pay, please refer to the main agreement between the Employers’ Association of the Faroe Islands and the Workers' Association of the Faroe Islands / The Workers' Association of Tórshavn / The Women's Workers' Association of Tórshavn / The Workers' Association of Klaksvík / The Women's Workers' Association of Klaksvík.

Regarding membership, please refer to article 25 in the mentioned agreements.

Where not otherwise stated in this agreement, the stipulations in the main agreement apply.

  • Art. 11 Uniform & Communications Equipment

The bus owner undertakes to provide the bus driver with a uniform and name tag if such is required.

Oilskins must be available where the bus is washed, and communications equipment must be in all buses. There must be heating on the premises where the oil clothes are stored.

  • Art. 12 Logbook

Each bus must have its own logbook, which should be kept in the bus. Defects and deficiencies must immediately be recorded in the bus's logbook and reported to the bus owner. Fines imposed on the bus driver due to defects or deficiencies in the work tools that the bus owner has been informed about shall be paid by the bus owner.

  • Art. 13 Arbitration

Regarding arbitration, please refer to the main agreement between the Workers' Association of the Faroe Islands / The Workers' Association of Tórshavn / The Women's Workers' Association of Tórshavn / The Workers' Association of Klaksvík / The Women's Workers' Association of Klaksvík and the Employers’ Association of the Faroe Islands.

  • Art. 14 Termination of Agreement

The validity and termination follow the main agreement.

  • Art. 15 Miscellaneous

Emphasis is placed on the bus drivers taking as good care of the bus as possible, and if damage occurs, it should immediately be reported to the bus owner.

When routes and other changes are made, and the bus owner has an influence on this, the union representative should be consulted. If there is no union representative, the bus drivers should be consulted. Regarding passengers, bus drivers are required to exhibit good and polite behaviour towards them.

The parties agree that when the relevant authorities set the bus routes, time should be allocated so that bus drivers get appropriate breaks during the day.

Bus drivers are required to participate in the necessary further training courses required in connection with driving in icy conditions, driving in the dark, first aid, etc. These courses are without cost to the bus drivers.

Tórshavn, June 9, 2024.

The Workers' Association of Tórshavn Heri Reynheim, Chair
Martin Wennerström, Vice Chair
Bogi Hentze
Martin Petersen
Allan Clementsen

The Workers' Association of the Faroe Islands
Georg F. Hansen, Chair
Elin K. Sørensen, Vice Chair
Sunrid Vang
Suni Mortensen
Amy Jacobsen
Maud Túgvustein
Marjun S. Debes

The Women's Workers' Association of Tórshavn
Vigdis Johannesen, Chair
Mariann Højgaard, Vice Chair
Karin Højgaard
Óluva Persson
Jónveig Arge

The Women's Workers' Association of Klaksvík
Jastrid W. Niclasen, Chair
Anna Glerfoss, Vice Chair
Vónbjørt Guðjónsson
Anna Højgaard

The Workers' Association of Klaksvík
Absalon Hansen, Chair
Jón Harald Poulsen, Vice Chair
Dánjal Klakk
Pól Fuglø

The Employers’ Association of the Faroe Islands
Kristoffur Laksá, Negotiation Leader
Jón Sigurdsson, Chair
Høgni Hansen, Vice Chair
Ólavur Bjarkhamar
Jóhanna á Bergi
Fróði Magnussen
Jens Meinhard Rasmussen
Odd Eliasen
Árni Ellefsen

[1] Hourly wage as of May 1, 2024: DKK 196.84
Hourly wage as of May 1, 2025: DKK 206.58

[2] Monthly wage as of May 1, 2024: DKK 34,118.32
Monthly wage as of May 1,

Pelagiski sáttmálin (EN)

Agreement Between the Undersigned

The Faroese Workers’ Union, Tórshavn Workers’ Union, Klaksvík Workers’ Union, and Klaksvík Women's Workers’ Union (referred to in this agreement as "the unions") on one side and The Faroese Employers' Association (referred to in this agreement as "FEA") on the other side

have today entered into this special agreement.

  • Art. 1 Scope of the Agreement

The agreement applies to all employees employed at pelagic processing plants, including within loading and unloading (currently P. P. Faroe Pelagic, Varðin Pelagic, and Pelagos).

  • Art. 2 Pay Stipulations

Sa. 1. The parties agree that the hourly wage for all hours during the 24-hour period, Monday through Friday (Monday 00:00 through Friday 24:00), shall be DKK 188.26 [1] per hour, and this applies regardless of how shifts are organized or whether work is performed during normal working hours.

Sa. 2. If employees work more than 12 hours per shift, the first three hours thereafter will be paid at Saturday rates according to sa. 3. the following hours will be paid at Sunday and holiday rates according to Sa. 3. If employees work more than 12 hours per shift on Saturday, they will be paid Saturday rates according to sa. 3 + 35%. If employees work more than 12 hours per shift on Sunday, they will be paid Sunday rates according to Sa. 3 + 35%.

Sa. 3. For work on Saturdays, Sundays, and other holidays as well as days-off according to the agreement between the unions and FEA, the wages set in the agreement between the unions and FEA, including applicable overtime rates, shall apply. The hourly wage is, as of May 1, 2024, DKK 253.19[2] for Saturdays and DKK 306.90[3] for Sundays and holidays.

Sa. 4. When transitioning from day to night shift (or vice versa), this should occur over a 24 hour period, ensuring employees have at least 24 hours off between shift changes. If employees do not have at least 24 hours off between shift changes, for the first shift after the change, double the usual wage shall be paid for that shift. However, there must always be at least 12 hours between transitioning from day to night shift or vice versa.

Sa. 5. In addition, a seniority supplement shall be paid according to the rates in effect at any time in the agreement between the unions and FEA.

Sa. 6. Employees who are at work even though there is no production at the plant will be paid according to the main agreement. This stipulation applies from one 24-hour period after production ends or until the dismantling and cleaning after production is completed, up to one 24-hour period before a new production starts. This stipulation does not apply to loading or unloading.

Sa. 7. The parties agree that wages will henceforth increase by the same percentage point as agreed in the collective bargaining between the unions and FEA regarding the terms and conditions in the collective agreement in the private labour market.

Sa. 8. If the employees desire, and the unions provide written approval, the wage can be set at DKK 174.69[4] per hour for day shifts (from 08:00 – 20:00) and DKK 201.82[5] per hour for night shifts (from 20:00 – 08:00) from Monday 00:00 through Friday 24:00.

  • Art. 3 Summer Holiday

Concerning summer holidays, refer to the Parliamentary Act in force regarding holiday.

  • Art. 4 Other Stipulations

Sa. 1. Where other stipulations are not made in this special agreement, the stipulations in the agreement between the unions and FEA apply, including stipulations on superannuation contributions, membership fees, and other stipulations. The supplement for herring work is not applicable to this agreement.

Sa. 2. Concerning the stipulation on information to employees about when work begins (§ art. 9 in the main agreement), the deadline according to this agreement shall be 8 hours. If special circumstances occur, such as workers not showing up due to illness, the mentioned 8-hour deadline does not apply when other workers need to be called in.

  • Art. 5 Duration and Termination

Commencement and termination follow the main agreement.

  • Art. 6 Copies of the Agreement

This special agreement is signed in five identical copies, and each party receives a copy.

Tórshavn, June 9, 2024

Faroese Employers' Association

Faroese Workers' Union

Tórshavn Workers' Union

Klaksvík Women's Workers’ Union

[1] May 1, 2024: DKK 188.26 and May 1, 2025: DKK 197.77

[2] May 1, 2024: DKK 253.19 and May 1, 2025: DKK 266.95

[3] May 1, 2024: DKK 306.90 and May 1, 2025: DKK 323.58

[4] May 1, 2024: DKK 174.69 and May 1, 2025: DKK 183.71

[5] May 1, 2024: DKK 201.82 and May 1, 2025: DKK 211.72

Gistingarhús- og Matstovusáttmálin hjá FA, HA, KAK, KAM (EN)

Agreement between

Føroya Arbeiðarafelag/Havnar Arbeiðarafelag/Klaksvíkar Arbeiðskvinnufelag and Klaksvíkar Arbeiðsmannafelag and Føroya Arbeiðsgevarafelag

for work at hotels, guesthouses, restaurants, etc.

  • Art. 1.

Scope of the Agreement

This agreement applies to all work within the scope of the agreement and field of specialist work on hotels, guesthouses, and restaurants.

The agreement does not cover individuals in managerial positions or individuals whose position with the employer is such that it allows them to significantly bind the employer. This applies only to one person at each workplace.

  • Art. 2.

Working Hours

The working hours are 40 hours per week according to a work schedule set for 4 weeks at a time.

The employees must receive the work schedule no later than 14 days before it comes into effect. However, in special cases, the schedule may be given no later than 7 days before it takes effect.

If employees are on-call for the employer during meal breaks, then the meal time shall not be deducted from the working hours.

  • Art. 3.


The pay is the currently set monthly salary for permanent employees for a standard 40-hour week according to the main agreement between Føroya Arbeiðarafelag/Havnar Arbeiðarafelag/Klaksvíkar Arbeiðskvinnufelag/Klaksvíkar Arbeiðsmannafelag, and Føroya Arbeiðsgevarafelag.

For work within the work schedule, the following supplements are provided:

  • Monday to Friday between 21:00 and 24:00: 4.50% per hour
  • Monday to Saturday between 00:00 and 07:00: 8.25% per hour
  • Saturday between 07:00 and 14:00: 5.50% per hour
  • Saturday between 14:00 and 24:00: 6.25% per hour
  • Sunday between 00:00 and 07:00: 13.75% per hour
  • Sunday between 07:00 and 24:00: 8.25% per hour
  • Holidays, May 1, Flag Day, Whitsun Eve, Easter Eve, Constitution Day, November 1, Christmas Eve, Eve of St Olaf’s Day, and St Olaf’s Day: 13.75% per hour

For hourly paid work, the standard hourly rate according to the main agreement is paid, plus the above-stated supplements.

On-call duty is paid according to the relevant stipulation in the main agreement between the parties.

Part-time employees with fixed weekly working hours are paid according to the same regulations as full-time employees, however, with the salary calculated proportionally to a 40-hour week.

Trained kitchen assistants receive a supplement of 10% of the standard hourly rate.

Young persons aged 14 receive 50%, those aged 15 and 16 receive 75% of the adult wage for both standard and overtime work.

  • Art. 4.

Work Outside of the Work Schedule

If work is performed outside the scheduled hours, it is paid at the standard hourly rate plus the following supplements:

  • Monday to Friday between 17:00 and 21:00: 7% of the standard hourly rate
  • Monday to Friday between 21:00 and 08:00: 20% of the standard hourly rate
  • Saturday between 07:00 and 14:00: 7% of the standard hourly rate
  • Saturday between 14:00 and 24:00: 20% of the standard hourly rate
  • Sunday and holidays: 20% of the standard hourly rate
  • May 1, Flag Day, Easter Eve, Whitsun Eve, Constitution Day, November 1, Christmas Eve, Eve of St Olaf’s Day, and St Olaf’s Day: 20% of the standard hourly rate

Overtime pay may, if the employee wishes and the employer agrees, be compensated with time-off in the same proportion as the overtime rate to the standard wage.

The employer decides in consultation with the employee when the compensatory time-off will be taken and notifies in good time, usually no later than 4 days in advance.

Compensatory time-off must be taken in either whole or half days and must be taken within two months after the relevant overtime work was performed. Hours not compensated within this period will be paid as overtime. Such compensatory time-off should not be scheduled on days that are already days-off.


  1. Sa. 1. Employees, who work 15 or fewer hours on average per week, or, who work less than 3 consecutive months receive the standard hourly rate according to the main agreement for all hours worked.  The stipulation regarding superannuation in the main agreement does not apply to these employees. Instead, the employer pays an additional 4% to the salary as superannuation on May 1, 2022, and on January 1, 2023, the employer pays an additional 5% to the salary as superannuation, and on January 1, 2024, the employer pays an additional 6% to the salary as superannuation.

Thereafter, the superannuation contribution increases by 1 percentage point on the 1st of January each year until the contribution reaches the legally mandated superannuation contribution.

The same applies to helpers at parties and similar events regardless of the number of hours worked.

  1. Sa. 2. The number of hours is calculated monthly and averaged over the last 3 months. In this calculation, work in July and August (Summer holidays) is not included.
  2. Sa. 3. When the calculation in sa. 2. shows that the employee has either exceeded or fallen below the threshold in sa. 1. in the last 3 months, wages and superannuation contributions will be adjusted accordingly from the 1st of the following month.
  3. Sa. 4. Employees, who have worked for 1 year or longer, and, who are not students or helpers at parties and similar events, are not covered by the stipulation in sa. 1.

  • Art. 6.

Date of Payment

The salary for monthly paid employees is paid at the end of the month and must be processed no later than the 25th of the month. The wages for hourly paid employees are paid as stipulated in the main agreement.

  • Art. 7.

Changes to Pay

If the salaries in the main agreement and the fixed salary agreement are changed, then the salaries in this agreement will be adjusted accordingly, except where this agreement has specific stipulations for overtime and work in shifts.

  • Art. 8.

Holiday and Holiday Pay

Holiday and holiday pay shall be provided pursuant to the Holiday Act in force.

  • Art. 9.

Union Representative Scheme

Regarding the union representative scheme, refer to the union representative scheme in the main agreement between the unions and the association.

  • Art. 10.

Periods of Notice

For permanent employees, the periods of notice in the fixed salary agreement apply.

For hourly paid employees, the periods of notice in the main agreement apply.

  • Art. 11.


Regarding disputes over work not specified in the agreement and disputes over the correct interpretation of the agreement, refer to the main agreement between the unions and the association.

  • Art. 12.

Percentage Payments

The employer pays the percentage payments, membership fees, and superannuation payments as stipulated in the main agreement between the parties, and according to the scheme specified in said agreement.

  • Art. 13.

Other Stipulations

Where not otherwise stated in this agreement, the stipulations of the main agreement between the parties apply, except for the stipulations on working hours and wages, where this agreement does not refer to the wage stipulations in the main agreement.


  •  Art. 14.

Entry Into Force and Termination

The entry into force and the termination follow the main agreement.

  • Art. 15.

Copies of the Agreement

This agreement is signed in two identical copies.

Tórshavn, May 24, 2022

Føroya Arbeiðsgevarafelag

Føroya Arbeiðarafelag

Havnar Arbeiðsmannafelag

Klaksvíkar Arbeiðskvinnufelag

Klaksvíkar Arbeiðsmannafelag

Gistingarhús- og Matstovusáttmálin hjá Havnar Arbeiðskvinnufelag (EN)

Agreement between Havnar Arbeiðskvinnufelag and Føroya Arbeiðsgevarafelag

for work in hotels, guesthouses, restaurants, etc.

  • Art. 1.

Scope of the Agreement

This agreement applies to all work within the scope of the agreement and field of specialist work on hotels, guesthouses, and restaurants.

The agreement does not cover individuals in managerial positions or individuals whose position with the employer is such that it allows them to significantly bind the employer. This applies only to one person at each workplace.

  • Art. 2.

Working Hours

The working hours are 40 hours per week according to a work schedule set for 4 weeks at a time.

The employees must receive the work schedule no later than 14 days before it comes into effect. However, in special cases, the schedule may be given no later than 7 days before it takes effect.

If employees are on-call for the employer during meal breaks, then the meal time shall not be deducted from the working hours.

  • Art. 3.


The pay is the currently set monthly salary for permanent employees for a standard 40-hour week according to the main agreement between Havnar Arbeiðskvinnufelag and Føroya Arbeiðsgevarafelag.

For work within the work schedule, the following supplements are provided:

  • Monday to Friday between 21:00 and 24:00: 4.50% per hour
  • Monday to Saturday between 00:00 and 07:00: 8.25% per hour
  • Saturday between 07:00 and 14:00: 5.50% per hour
  • Saturday between 14:00 and 24:00: 6.25% per hour
  • Sunday between 00:00 and 07:00: 13.75% per hour
  • Sunday between 07:00 and 24:00: 8.25% per hour
  • Holidays, May 1, Flag Day, Whitsun Eve, Easter Eve, Constitution Day, November 1, Christmas Eve, Eve of St Olaf’s Day, and St Olaf’s Day: 13.75% per hour

For hourly paid work, the standard hourly rate according to the main agreement is paid, plus the above-stated supplements.

On-call duty is paid according to the relevant stipulation in the main agreement between the parties.

Part-time employees with fixed weekly working hours are paid according to the same regulations as full-time employees, however, with the salary calculated proportionally to a 40-hour week.

Trained kitchen assistants receive a supplement of 10% of the standard hourly rate.

Young persons aged 14 receive 50%, those aged 15 and 16 receive 75% of the adult wage for both standard and overtime work.

  • Art. 4.

Work Outside of the Work Schedule

If work is performed outside the scheduled hours, it is paid at the standard hourly rate plus the following supplements:

  • Monday to Friday between 17:00 and 21:00: 7% of the standard hourly rate
  • Monday to Friday between 21:00 and 08:00: 20% of the standard hourly rate
  • Saturday between 07:00 and 14:00: 7% of the standard hourly rate
  • Saturday between 14:00 and 24:00: 20% of the standard hourly rate
  • Sunday and holidays: 20% of the standard hourly rate
  • May 1, Flag Day, Easter Eve, Whitsun Eve, Constitution Day, November 1, Christmas Eve, Eve of St Olaf’s Day, and St Olaf’s Day: 20% of the standard hourly rate

Overtime pay may, if the employee wishes and the employer agrees, be compensated with time-off in the same proportion as the overtime rate to the standard wage.

The employer decides in consultation with the employee when the compensatory time-off will be taken and notifies in good time, usually no later than 4 days in advance.

Compensatory time-off must be taken in either whole or half days and must be taken within two months after the relevant overtime work was performed. Hours not compensated within this period will be paid as overtime. Such compensatory time-off should not be scheduled on days that are already days-off.

  • Art. 5.
  1. Sa. 1. Employees , who work 15 or fewer hours on average per week, or, who work less than 3 consecutive months receive the standard hourly rate according to the main agreement for all hours worked.  The stipulation regarding superannuation in the main agreement does not apply to these employees. Instead, the employer pays an additional 4% to the salary as superannuation on May 1, 2022, and on January 1, 2023, the employer pays an additional 5% to the salary as superannuation, and on January 1, 2024, the employer pays an additional 6% to the salary as superannuation.

Thereafter, the superannuation contribution increases by 1 percentage point on the 1st of January each year until the contribution reaches the legally mandated superannuation contribution.

The same applies to helpers at parties and similar events regardless of the number of hours worked.

Sa. 2. The number of hours is calculated monthly and averaged over the last 3 months. In this calculation, work in July and August (Summer holidays) is not included.

Sa. 3. When the calculation in sa. 2. shows that the employee has either exceeded or fallen below the threshold in sa. the last 3 months, salary and superannuation will be adjusted accordingly from the 1st of the following month.

Sa. 4. Employees, who have worked for 1 year or longer, and, who are not students or helpers at parties and similar events, are not covered by the stipulation in sa. 1.

  • Art. 6.

Date of Payment

The salary for monthly paid employees is paid at the end of the month and must be processed no later than the 25th of the month. The wages for hourly paid employees are paid as stipulated in the main agreement.

  • Art. 7.

Changes to Pay

If the salaries in the main agreement and fixed salary agreement are changed, then the salaries in this agreement will be adjusted accordingly, except where this agreement has specific stipulations for overtime and work in shifts.

  • Art. 8.

Holiday and Holiday Pay

Holiday and holiday pay shall be provided pursuant to the Holiday Act in force.

  • Art. 9.

Union Representative Scheme

Regarding the union representative scheme, refer to the union representative scheme in the main agreement between the unions and the association.

  • Art. 10.

Periods of Notice

For permanent employees, the periods of notice in the fixed salary agreement apply.

For hourly paid employees, the periods of notice in the main agreement apply.

  • Art. 11.


Regarding disputes over work not specified in the agreement and disputes over the correct interpretation of the agreement, refer to the main agreement between the unions and the association.

  • Art. 12.

Percentage Payments

The employer pays the percentage payments, membership fees, and superannuation payments as stipulated in the main agreement between the parties, and according to the scheme specified in said agreement.

  • Art. 13.

Other Stipulations

Where not otherwise stated in this agreement, the stipulations of the main agreement between the parties apply, except for the stipulations on working hours and wages, where this agreement does not refer to the wage stipulations in the main agreement.

  • Art. 14.

Entry Into Force and Termination

The entry into force and the termination follow the main agreement.

  • Art. 15.

Copies of the Agreement

This agreement is signed in two identical copies.

Tórshavn, May 24, 2022

Føroya Arbeiðsgevarafelag

Havnar Arbeiðskvinnufelag